Note that the swathe (cravat) is applied over the sling and immobilizes the joint (elbow)
above the fracture site. Also, a safety pin is used to secure the apex of the sling instead
of the pigtail method.
Figure 6-15. Sling and swath applied to a splinted forearm.
d. To apply a swathe:
(1) Place one end of the swathe on the sling at the breast pocket near the
uninjured arm. Hold this end at this location.
(2) Wrap the other end of the swathe across the sling (if used), around the
upper arm on the injured side, behind the casualty's back, under the uninjured arm, and
back to the breast pocket.
(a) You have now encircled the casualty's chest and injured arm. The
uninjured arm, however, remains free to move.
(b) If the fracture is in the forearm and not the upper arm, make the
swathe wide (about 12 inches) when it goes across the injured arm.
(c) If the casualty has a fractured humerus (upper arm), do not make
the swathe as wide since the swathe should not be over a fracture site. If possible,
(3) Tie the two ends of the swathe in a nonslip knot over the breast pocket
on the uninjured side.