1. Describing female personnel by their sex as well as their job description, particularly
when it has no bearing on the situation; i.e., the female mechanic, woman truck driver,
lady chaplain.
2. Notes on invitations or comments which exclude female Officers/NCOs: Bring your
wife to NCO/Officers Call."
3. Referring to groups of males as "men" while a group of women are called "girls."
(This infers that the female is less than adult and should be treated as a child.)
4. Addressing females by terms of endearment, (Hon, Babe) or their first name, unless
this is also extended to male soldiers.
5. A male officer offering his seat to, or opening the door for a subordinate female.
6. Assuming that only women can deal with another woman and by-passing chain of
command. ("Jane, tell Sue her make-up is not appropriate for military wear.")
7. Jokes with sexual overtones degrade women covertly or overtly.
1. Reenlistment slogans such as:
"To keep a good soldier, you may have to convince his wife"
"Keep a good man in the Army - Re-Up"
2. Arbitrary height limitations for entry into certain jobs; i.e., the MP's at one time had a
5'10" height restriction, which excluded most females, as well as Hispanic males.
3. Women being pulled from their jobs as truck drivers, mechanics to perform
traditionally female jobs, as orderly room clerks, typists, etc.
4. Men being required to register for a possible draft and women not being required to register.
5. Combat arms being available only to men.