40A. Have you considered using repetition to emphasize an important point?
If you wanted to teach the importance of clearing the weapon, you
wouldn't mention that point once and forget about it; you would stress
the point several times. In all classes on weapons, the precaution of
clearing the weapon should be stressed until the soldier becomes aware
of its importance, and it becomes an automatic procedure for him. You
may add to the effectiveness of your repetition by using an example, a
story, or a demonstration.
For example, you could demonstrate your
point of how important it is to clear the weapon by having a blank
cartridge in the chamber of an unloaded weapon and squeezing it off
after an inspection.
This demonstration would definitely get their
attention and help them see why they should always make sure their
weapon is cleared.
State the technique of giving emphasis discussed in this frame.
81A. A briefing officer who leans on the lectern and adds a bit of humor now
and then ignores which briefing tip(s)?