* Increasing fire support effectiveness. Fire support units can take the target immediately under fire. If
target type cannot be established, radar teams can furnish target location so other means such as
illumination may be used to determine what type of fire should be used. Well trained operators can
estimate size of enemy concentrations but not exact numbers of troops or vehicles in a given area,
enemy movement rate, or determine the most appropriate weapons to be used against the enemy.
* Determining target movement rate and plotting its map location.
* Performing artillery post-strike analysis.
Site Selection. Specific radar site location is normally selected by the GSR team leader. The intelligence officer
is responsible for recommending the general radar site location, and will assign search areas for surveillance
missions. Primary, alternate, and supplementary positions should be selected and prepared if time permits. The
radar site should have as many of the following features as possible--
* Permit maximum assigned area coverage.
* Provide team, vehicle, and equipment concealment.
* Adequate communication.
* Displacement route availability.
The site should be located in areas relatively free of close ground clutter, such as trees, bushes, or buildings. If
these objects are directly in the radar's path, the clutter tends to distort the radar beam resulting in inaccurate
distance, direction, and evaluation data.
Mission, enemy, terrain, troops, and time available (METT-T) factors must be considered in radar equipment
positioning. If side lobes are not adequately suppressed by soft background, enemy direction finding (DF)
measures can and will detect radar location(s) from side lobe RF emissions. Advantage should be taken of
security provided by combat elements without interfering with their operations. If possible, a position should be
selected within a well defended area. Since the enemy may be capable of detecting radar signals and firing
against the radar, locating it in the immediate vicinity of troop dispositions or key installations may not be
GSRs are normally positioned on the forward slope of the dominating terrain (military crest). A radar site and an
OP may be collocated. GSR personnel should not be detailed as ground observers except in emergencies. To
take advantage of maximum range, GSRs are employed as far forward as possible, and should--