1. Which of the following listed conditions best describes your authority to return fire if an air
platform is attacking your position?
a. When higher headquarters has directed you to return fire.
b. The aircraft has been identified as hostile.
c. The right of self-defense is never denied.
d. Your commander has authorized the use of force.
2. A soldier can use most basic firing positions when engaging an air platform. The prone
position is modified to________________.
a. The standing position.
b. Lying on the back (supine) position.
c. A fighting position (foxhole).
d. The High-kneeling position.
3. When the order comes to engage an air platform, who should fire their small arms at the air
a. Designated personnel.
b. Selected squads.
c. Machine-gun personnel only.
d. All soldiers in the unit.
4. From what source does a unit commander normally receive early warning of hostile air
platforms before he visually sees the air platform?
a. Air guards posted throughout the convoy.
b. Higher headquarters.