Your answer: CAN'T TELL
Either station could be calling, depending upon which station's call sign has been agreed upon
for use. You can see that this type of call-up is inherently secure, for it is difficult for the
analyst to determine which station is calling. However, its use is limited due to the confusion
which results when inexperienced operators are in charge of net operation.
4. The third type of specific call-up is called the MULTIPLE CALL A multiple call occurs when
one station, usually the Net Control Station, calls all or some of the outstations in the net using
the call signs of each station concerned. Figure 3-3 is an example of the multiple call-up.
Figure 3-3. "Multiple Call".
5. Normally, when the outstations return the call, they will answer in the same order that they
were called in the call-up.
Following normal sequence, which station would call Z1A from the above example after X3C?
Answer (Check one.)