R E M E M B E R:
COMPLEX SENDING - Each station in a net has its own sending frequency.
COMPLEX RECEIVING - Each station in a net has its own receiving frequency.
If you had any difficulty understanding complex sending and complex receiving frequencies,
review the material presented on pages 2-7 through 2-12.
On a separate sheet of paper, diagram the following:
CT sends to A to 3250
CT sends to B on 2700
CT sends to C on 5355
A sends to CT on 2525
A sends to B on 3550
B sends to CT on 6310
B sends to A on 5175
B sends to C on 2880
C sends to CT on 3000
C sends to B on 2760
The frequency usage of the preceding entity is
Answer (check one.)
complex sending
complex receiving
complex working
Your answer: complex working.