Resistor "A".
(From P 1-25)
Come on now. You know better than that. Resistor "A" might offer more resistance than resistor "B" but
it is much smaller. Since physical size is the main determining factor for power rating, resistor "B" would have
the highest power rating. Go back to Page 1-25 and try again.
Resistance would increase.
(From P1-2A)
Very good. The resistance is directly proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the cross-
sectional area.
So far, we have covered three of the factors determining resistance. They are the type of material used,
the length of the conductor, and the cross-sectional area. The fourth and last factor is the temperature. As you
apply heat to a conductor, random electron movement increases. This increase in electron movement causes more
collisions between the electrons and these collisions cause the resistance to increase. However, there are some
materials that decrease in resistance when they are heated. When heat is applied to these materials, additional
electrons are freed at a greater rate than the increase in collisions between electrons. So the resistance decreases
with an increase in temperature. Such substances are the exception, rather than the rule, and they are said to have
a negative temperature coefficient. Carbon is an example of a substance with a negative temperature coefficient.
Which of the below listed items determine the resistance of a conductor?
The type of material used and the temperature.
Page 1-7B
The length and the cross-sectional area.
Page 1-16B
Both of the above.
Page 1-21A