b. is correct. To find the resistance of an axial-lead resistor, an end-to-center color band
marking system is used.
Axial-lead resistors have 3 or 4 color bands, as shown in the drawings below.
The first color band gives the first significant figure, the second band gives the second significant figure,
the third color band is the multiplier, and if a fourth band appears, it will represent the tolerance of the resistor. If
only three bands appear on the resistor, the tolerance will be 20% unless marked differently on the resistor. The
value representing each color band of a axial-lead resistor is shown in the chart below.
When reading the color bands on a resistor, you read from the end towards the center.
The value of the resistor shown above is 6300 ohms ƒ 10%.
Match the color bands on the resistor below to the code that each band represents. Place the letter in front
of each code in the space provided below the resistor.
a. 2nd significant number
b. Tolerance
c. 1st significant number
d. Multiplier (number of zeros to be added).
(Continued on Page 1-28)