What are the arithmetic symbols used to represent the AND and the OR function in
Boolean algebra?
a. AND:
b. OR:
a. x
Boole's logic is based upon the
b. +
a. premise that all statements are true and false.
b. theory that no two statements are true and false.
c. premise that a statement is either true or false.
d. theory that the digits 0 and 1 are complete truths.
In Boolean algebra, an EXPRESSION is a group of constants and/or variables connected
by one or more operations. The expression may contain parentheses, but must never
contain an equality sign (=). For example, A+1 (read A or 1) and BC (read B and C) are
expressions. (Note the absence of equality signs.) In Boolean algebra, as in ordinary
algebra, it is not always necessary to use the multiplication connective (x). Multiplication
is also indicated by the absence of a connective. For example, the expression AxB can also
be expressed as AB, which has the same meaning.
An EXPRESSION is a group of constants and/or
connected by
or more