Boolean Algebra aids the computer technician in understanding
electronic computer circuits. The basic laws of Boolean Algebra are
used to manipulate and simplify Boolean expressions. The simplest
electronic circuits which will accomplish a particular function are
designed by applying the basic laws to manipulate and simplify Boolean
expressions. Keep in mind, however, that the laws of Boolean Algebra
do not correspond exactly to the laws of ordinary Algebra.
Boolean Algebra is used to __________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and
__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Boolean expressions.
Boolean Algebra utilizes the binary numbering system. In the binary
numbering system, there are only two possible constants, '1 and 0, and
only two possible values for any variable, also 1 and 0. A Boolean
expression can be multiplied by following the same rules used in
ordinary Algebra; however, since the largest value in the binary
numbering system is 1, no squares are generated. For example, in
ordinary Algebra, the expressions (A+B)(A+B) multiplied together are
expressed as A2+AB+BA+B2. In Boolean Algebra, the same
expressions (A+B)(A+B), multiplied together are expressed as
AA+AB+BA+BB. In Boolean Algebra, A multiplied by A (AA) is
indicated as AA; B multiplied by B (BB) is indicated as BB, etc.
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