Whenever an electric current flows through a resistance, heat is generated. Heat is a
form of energy and, since energy cannot be created, the heat must be produced by a
conversion of energy from the electric energy to the form of heat energy.
The soldering iron with which you will be working converts electrical energy to heat
energy. In this case, we use the heat energy to do work. The lights in this room convert
electrical energy to light energy.
In our study of mechanical work, power, and energy, we learned that power is the time
rate of doing work or consuming energy.
The formula for solving the amount of power used is:
Power = work.
fra me 3A
Power = work x time.
frame 5B
YOUR ANSWER: The watt, then, is the time rate for doing electrical work. Yes, this is true.
But this answer is not the most correct answer.
Return to frame 3A and select the answer that tells a more complete story than this one