The larger the inductance of the coils in henrys, the greater the mutual inductance between the two. The
coefficient of coupling is the percentage of magnetic lines of force originating in one coil that cut the other
coil. Three factors determine the coefficient of coupling:
(1) Angular displacement between the two coils,
(2) permeability of the core material in each coil, and
(3) the distance between the two coils.
If the coefficient of coupling between two coils is 0.5 or 50 percent, only half of the lines of force produced
by the first coil cut the second coil.
Q. What are the two factors that determine mutual inductance between two coils?
Using a plus and minus sign, label the polarity of the induced voltage in conductor B the instant the switch is
closed; and draw an arrow indicating the direction of current flow through the meter.