Terrain analysis for air operations focuses on the same military aspects of terrain
as ground operations. However, the analysis of these aspects is directed first at
their effects on airspace operations, and then on their resultant effects on the
overall operation.
As with ground operations, observation involves the effects of the terrain on
reconnaissance and surveillance (R&S) as well as target acquisition. Fields of
fire (FofF) involves the effects of terrain on weapons effectiveness. In air
defense, both counterair and other air operations are closely related to LOS.
Ground operations are concerned primarily with horizontal LOS. Air and air-
associated operations are primarily concerned with air and ground oblique and
vertical LOS. Figures 7-3 and 7-4 show obliques LOS for ground and air. Figure 7-
5 shows a vertical LOS.
Figure 7-3. Oblique LOS (ground).
Figure 7-4.
Oblique LOS (air).
IT 0462