5. The tactical CI Agent operates tactical agent nets to provide early warning of enemy
activities and assist in protection of friendly rear area high value targets. Most
Intelligence Analysts work in or near a CP. This makes them a lucrative target for enemy
forces trying to destroy/disrupt friendly command, control, and communications (C3).
6. The CI Agent performs other duties such as operating defensive sources, assisting in
bilateral operations between US and host country forces, and performing liaison with host
country officials to assist in mission accomplishment.
7. The information gathered by the CI Agent is disseminated to the tactical operations
center (TOC). The Spot Report is used for perishable combat information and the
Intelligence Information Report (IIR), DA Form 1396, for in-depth information. Both of
these reports are used by the analyst for filling in information gaps, detecting/confirming
indicators, and verifying other information.
PART D: EW/SIGINT Specialist, CMF 98
1. The relationship between the Intelligence Analyst and the EW/SIGINT specialist
encompasses all aspects of production of intelligence to support the commander.
2. The EW/Cryptologic Traffic Analyst is the direct counterpart of the Intelligence
Analyst in the EW/SIGINT realm of intelligence. Their duties frequently mirror each
3. Starting with the IPB analysis of the AO, the Traffic Analyst performs the same type
of analysis geared toward EW/SIGINT operations.
4. The Intelligence Analyst, through the CM&D at the TOC inputs for taskings to the
EW/SIGINT specialist. These taskings are then sent to the tactical control and processing
section (TCPS) of the military intelligence (MI) unit. The Traffic Analyst in the TCPS
then tasks the EW/SIGINT specialist to perform missions required to gain the
information needed to answer the taskings.
5. The information gained by the EW/SIGINT assets is provided back to the Traffic
Analyst. He then analyzes all incoming information to produce appropriate final
EW/SIGINT. This intelligence is disseminated from the TCPS to the TOC where the
Intelligence Analyst can use EW/SIGINT to detect/verify indicators of probable enemy
courses of action, identify locations of high value targets (HVT). detect enemy force
movements, verify enemy unit locations, find out enemy force strength of personnel and
equipment, and determine enemy electronic OB.