Figure 1-9. Typical Military Installation.
c. Combined Military and Civilian activities are airfields, port facilities, training
areas, homeguard areas, reserve forces, and the like. Airports and port facilities fall in
this category during peacetime as existing fields and ports are used for both military and
civilian activities. Homeguard and reserve unit facilities can be identified by items of
equipment, such as armored or wheeled vehicles, artillery, etc. Refer to Figure 1-10.
Annotation A depicts a terminal normally used for civilian passenger service; civilian
planes are parked or moving about the passenger ramps. Annotation B shows numerous
aircraft parked in line which normally is not the case at civilian airfields. Further,
Annotation C shows numerous fighter aircraft parked in line. At the southwestern portion
of the runway (Annotation D) there are two special weapon storage areas with a
fabrication plant nearby (Annotation E). Due to its dual use, this installation is a
combination military and civilian airfield.