The date: The statement must be dated to show the date when accreditation is effective. And,
the date on the statement must be less than three years old.
The unit: The statement must be issued in the unit that has the computer. The line in the
statement which starts "MEMORANDM FOR" shows which unit the statement was issued to. If the
ISSO from Charlie Company, 2/16" Infantry showed you this statement, that would be a problem
because this statement was issued to a different unit.
The computer The unit must be using their computers exactly as authorized. The statement
authorizes them to use a specific computer, in a specific location, to process at a specific sensitivity
The actual computer must be the same as the authorized computer, by brand, type, model and serial
number. The computer they are using must be the same one that is identified in the statement. You
must also check the accreditation document/security plan to make sure the unit is using only the
authorized "associated peripherals," such as printers; modems, and any other computer equipment.
The computer and all associated peripherals must be identified (by brand, type, model, and serial
number) in the accreditation document/security plan.
The actual operating location must be the same as the authorized operating location; room, building,
and post.
The actual level of processing must not be higher than the authorized level of processing
(accreditation level), like CS3 or US1.
The signature: The statement must be personally signed by the DAA. The statement may not be
signed "for the DAA" by another individual. The individual who signed it must be the individual whose
name is in the signature block. The signature must be original and not a rubber stamp.
The signature block: The individual whose name, rank, branch, and position are typed in the
signature block must be a DAA. On occasion, you might see a statement issued by somebody who
isn't a DAA. This one looks good in that the Colonel is eligible to be a CS3 DAA; he's a "full" colonel,
he's a commander, and he's in a division commanded by a general. But, you would have to make sure
that he has been delegated this authority by asking the ISSO for the written delegation.
Copy of file: And finally, the unit must have an accreditation statement on file for each of its
computers. The DAA and the ISSO are required to keep the statement, or a copy of the statement, on
file. And a copy should also be on file in each office that has a computer.
Part R: Accreditation Variations
The accreditation statement shown at Figure 3-1 is a "basic" statement; it is for one PC operating in
one location. However, accreditations are not limited to this basic situation and you may see a
variety of situations addressed in accreditation statements.