Secure the areas where the classified processing will be done to make sure that an
unauthorized person cannot get access to the computer, or see classified information displayed on
the work screen.
Make sure that all persons who will have access to the computer, or who will be able to see the
work screen have an appropriate security clearance and a need-to-know for all classified information
to be processed.
Make sure that all classified information is stored only as approved by the ISSO. Given the
problems Involved with declassifying computer storage media, it is recommended that only removable
floppy disks be used for storing classified information.
Mark all storage media and hard copy output in accordance with Chapter 4, AR 380-5, and the
ISSO's instruction.
When you are done processing, secure all classified material, such as removable storage media
and printouts.
Power down the computer to purge all classified information from internal memory. Remember,
the ISSO must verify this.