a. The EWO operates under the supervision of the G3.
His principal
function is the mission management of EA to include both jamming and
electronmagnetic deception. The EWO works for the G3 and plans and coordinates
the actions necessary to satisfy the requirements identified by the G3.
EWO assists in preparing the EW estimates and annexes and develops EA mission
tasking. The EWO is also involved with the fire support element (FSE) in the
targeting process.
Some of the EWO coordination requirements are listed in
Figures 1-7/1-8.
b. The ACE assists the G2 and G3 in analyzing and directing EW. The ACE
is under the operational control of the G2 and is organic to the Division MI Bn
headquarters and headquarters company (HHC)(Figure 1-9).
c. At division, the executor of EW is the commander who controls and
directs the operations of all MI assets assigned, attached, or in support of
the division.
Within the MI battalion, the battalion Tactical Operations
Center (TOC) provides centralized management of organic and supporting MI
d. The MI battalion TOC consists of the battalion S3, S2, and C-E Officer.
The S3 is in charge. He manages the battalion's intelligence and surveillance
e. The 3 DS MI companies are the smallest subunits of the MI battalion.
They establish standard training and deployment relationships with their
supported brigade.
When placed in their DS role these companies have no EW
Should they need to provide a SIGINT baseline to their supported
brigade they will have assets attached form the GS MI company. They will also
receive an attached C-E and motor maintenance contact team from the
headquarters and headquarters operations company (HHOC).
f. The GS MI company is the second largest subunit of the MI battalion.
Its standard training and deployment relationship is to support the division as
a whole. It receives an attached C-E and motor maintenance contact team from
the HHOC.
g. The MI company organic to the armored cavalry regiment (ACR) and
separate brigade is a miniature divisional MI battalion.
The only major
difference is that the scope changes with the size of the unit and mission.
h. The Flight Platoon organic to both the division and ACR consists of
three QUICKFIX helicopters capable of both ES and EA on enemy communications
and DF in the very high frequency (VHF) range. This platoon will be under the
operational control of and tasked by the MI unit's TOC.
i. The Deployable Intelligence Support Element (DISE) is organic to the MI
Bn but is attached to the maneuver brigade. This element provides an interface
between the MI assets in the Bde area and the Bde S2/S3. This element is vital
to effective MI support to the brigade. When an IEW company team is deployed
into a brigade AO, the DISE is attached to the company team. It assists the
team commander in coordinating MI operations and support while in the brigade
AO. It advises the brigade commander and staff on the integration and use of
MI assets to support the brigade's battles.
The DISE is dependent on the
It is responsive to requirements levied by
both the supported brigade and the supporting IEW company team. The DISE-