Figure 59. Ground system for vertical antennas.
d. Still another method of obtaining an artificial reflecting
surface is the use of a counterpoise.
The counterpoise is elevated
above ground several inches. The counterpoise could be a single wire
or several wires, but must be the same length as the antenna.
Otherwise, the size and shape is immaterial.
e. A radial or counterpoise forms an artificial ground to reflect
the ground reflected wave.
communication. A grounded vertical should always use a counterpoise
or radial ground system.
A horizontal antenna doesn't require a
ground system near as much as a vertical antenna. The equipment has
its own electrical ground.
Before a radial or counterpoise is
grounded to the equipment ground, a test communication should be
made. Then, hook the radial or counterpoise to the equipment ground
and check the results. Sometimes, hooking the radial or counterpoise
to the equipment ground makes communication worse. Be sure to check
Remember that all
antennas will work without a radial or counterpoise system.
In all
cases, the equipment must be grounded.