As you will remember from the simplified methodology format, this is the most difficult section. It requires a great deal of
thought and study. Carefully consider each of the questions. You may need to skim a whole resource to help you with
the answer. Again, try to answer as many questions as you can.
a. Immediate.
(1) Was the battle decisive? Why?
(2) What immediate effect did the outcome of the battle have on the war for both sides? Why?
(3) Did this battle help the opposing forces achieve strategic objectives? Which objectives? Why?
(4) Did the outcome of the battle provide a significant advantage to the winning side?
(5) Did the outcome of the battle provide a significant disadvantage to the losing side?
b. Long-term.
(1) How did the outcome of the battle affect the long-term objectives of the nations and their armies?
(2) Did the outcome of the battle place the defeated side in a position from which it could not recover?
(3) Did the battle decide the outcome of the war? If not, how did this battle rank in importance with other battles in
the war?
c. Military "lessons learned."
(1) Did the battle teach any significant lessons? If so, what lessons? Who learned them?
(2) Did the opposing forces apply these lessons in subsequent battles? If so, what? When, Where?
(3) Are any of these "lessons learned" applicable to contemporary military students? Why?