(e) Did technology affect the way the battle was fought?
(f) Did the level of conflict and the environment permit the unlimited use of sophisticated weaponry?
(3) Logistical and administrative systems.
(a) What were the logistics requirements for each side to carry out its course of action to a successful
(b) Were the classes and types of supplies readily available to the forces?
(c) If not, who had the greater difficulty in procuring and distributing supplies?
(d) Compare the procurement and distribution procedures of the forces.
(e) Was there adequate transportation to support the forces?
(f) What was the availability of supply installations and terminals?
(g) Was there an effective battlefield evacuation and salvage system?
(h) What was the state of maintenance operations?
(i) Evaluate the personnel replacement (individual or unit) systems of the opposing forces.
(j) Were there personnel shortages? If so, why?
(k) Were the personnel replacements well trained? If so, where? If not, why not?
(l) What impact did the shortages of personnel, equipment, and supplies have on the way the battle was
fought and its outcome?
(a) Were the units well organized for combat?
(b) Were all available resources effectively used to enhance combat power?
(c) Were the staffs well organized and trained and efficient?