At this time, your drawing on the previous page should look like the one shown below.
When the conductor is in the
neutral plane, no lines of
forces are cut and zero
voltage is induced in the
On the drawing at right, label
the right end of the X axis 0.
Label the left end of the X
axis 180.
When the conductor is at 90,
lines of force are cut at
maximum rate and maximum
voltage is induced in the
Label the top end of the Y axis 90.
Label the bottom end of the Y axis 270.
Label each end of the Y axis 100 volts (maximum voltage obtainable).
To complete the drawing, draw a line from the point of origin where the axes cross to
conductor symbol.
This line forms a rotating vector; attach an arrowhead and label the line r.
Note: The length of the vector will coincide with the length of the y axis. At 90,
maximum voltage is generated. We have assumed 100 volts to be the maximum voltage
Label the length of the vector 100 volts.
Check the accuracy of your work on the next page.