Drum Major:
Perform the LEFT TURN as it is described in the Manual of the Mace (FM 12-50). When the first
band member in the left file reaches the PIVOT POINT, perform the PREPARARTORY
March forward until you are even with the first band member in the left file, then continue forward
the appropriate number of steps and MARK TIME.
When all band members have turned and aligned themselves, signal a FORWARD MARCH.
Left File:
If you are the first person in the file, take the following actions when the drum major performs the
SIGNAL OF EXECUTION. MARCH one step and TURN LEFT. After the turn, MARCH
forward two steps for each rank in the band, then MARK TIME. When the drum major signals
FORWARD MARCH, STEP OFF at a full step.
If you are not the first person in the file, TURN LEFT two steps after the person in front of you.
Turn where the first file member turns. After the turn, MARCH forward two steps for each rank in
the band minus two steps for each rank in front of you. If you are in the third rank of a band with
seven ranks, march forward ten steps (14 minus 4). MARK TIME. When the drum major signals
FORWARD MARCH, STEP OFF at a full step.
Other Files:
If you are the first person in the file, take the following actions. TURN LEFT two steps after the
person to your left turns. MARCH FORWARD until you are aligned with your rank, then MARK
TIME. When the drum major signals FORWARD MARCH, STEP OFF at a full step.
If you are not the first person in the file, TURN LEFT two steps after the person in front of you
turns. Turn where the first file member turns. MARCH FORWARD until you are aligned with