Files To The Left Of The Guide File:
On the signal of execution, continue marching at a full step. If you are the first person in the file,
march in a semicircle to the right. If you are not the first person in your file, follow the person in
front of you. When you are aligned with the guide in your rank, begin to Mark Time. When the
drum major signals Forward March, step off at a full step.
Band Senior Sergeant:
On the signal of execution, march in a semicircle to the right. March to the inside of the bandmaster.
When you are aligned with the first rank, begin to Mark Time.
Drum Major:
Raise your right arm to guide the band to the right. Raise your left arm to guide the band to the left.
Your arm should extend horizontally outward from your side at shoulder height. Your palm should
face forward. Assume the new direction of march. Keep your arm in position until the entire band
has assumed the new direction of march. Adjust length of steps as necessary. Drop your arm. No
Forward March signal is necessary. The guide file will maintain the appropriate distance behind
Guide File:
If you are the first person in the file, pivot on the ball of the lead foot in the direction indicated when
the drum major raises his arm. March at a half step until all members of your rank have assumed the
new direction of march. Resume marching at a full step.
If you are not the first person in the file, shorten or lengthen your steps as necessary to pivot at the
approximate point that the lead person pivots. March at a half step until all members of your rank
have assumed the new direction of march. Continue marching at a full step.