NCO Primary Leadership Subjects
Paperwork and the Army, Continued
Here is an improved version of the same report.
Example 1:
"The law requires the Secretary of the Army to determine the status of missing
persons; therefore, he needs a full report of the facts."
Here is an example of a written communication by an Army officer trying to impress
Example 2:
his staff.
"It is requested that the Office of the Adjutant be furnished with three authenticated
copies of the aforementioned application, said authentication of said copies to
provide such attestation thereof as will render them legally admissible in evidence."
Here is an improved version of the same directive:
Example 2:
"Send three notarized copies of the application to the Adjutant's Office."
Countless examples could be quoted. Their number makes it plain that Army writing
Other examples
needs improvement. You can help by improving your own writing.