2. Collection Points.
Collection points are facilities for classification, segregation, and proper disposition of captured foreign
materiel, along with other items, to be evacuated. Collection points operate where needed throughout
the theater of operations. In the field army area, one or more collection points are provided for each
corps area and for the field army service area. These are generally operated by the Collection and
Classification Company. In the division areas, collection points are operated by the division
maintenance battalion. Figure 2-1 shows evacuation flow through the collection points.
The discovery of items of foreign materiel will be reported by the capturing unit through intelligence
channels. Items for which there are no disposition instructions should not be evacuated until
coordinated with technical intelligence elements. The capturing unit must submit a spot report to the
intelligence officer of its higher headquarters. The capturing unit may be directed to evacuate the item
to the collection and classification company or guard it and leave it in place, for on-site preliminary
examination by technical intelligence personnel. When materiel does not have to remain in place for
intelligence evaluation, and the discovery unit is incapable of evacuating it, the unit may request
evacuation assistance directly from the command responsible for direct support maintenance.
Evacuation may be direct from a maintenance collecting point to the technical intelligence company at
field army.
Foreign materiel may be of value for technical intelligence purposes, or it may be utilized by friendly
forces. Foreign materiel should be cleared from the battlefield or destroyed to prevent recapture or
reclamation by the enemy or by guerrilla forces. Technical intelligence elements of the military
intelligence battalion and the intelligence officers of all commands are interested in captured or
abandoned items of foreign materiel. Procedures must be established for the screening and
evacuation of materiel. Implementing instructions are published by subordinate commands in the form
of directives and SOP. Items of foreign materiel, being evacuated directly to the field army support
area, are reported through higher headquarters to the technical intelligence company and held until
disposition instructions are provided, or responsibility is assumed by the technical intelligence company
or another activity. Items which are of no use either for technical intelligence or for equipping friendly
forces are demilitarized and disposed of, as directed by higher headquarters. Captured medical
materiel may be used to treat POW and indigenous personnel after such supplies have been declared
safe by U. S. medical authority.