After you have masked and given yourself nerve agent antidote (if needed),
decontaminate any skin that was exposed to the nerve agent. The M291 skin
decontaminating kit (figure 8-8) is provided to service members for skin
decontamination. This kit may also be used to decontaminate selected individual
equipment, such as load bearing equipment, protective gloves, mask, hood, and
The M291 kit is for external use only. Keep decontaminating powder out of the
eyes; it may be slightly irritating to the eyes. Decontaminate eyes by flushing
them with water.
Figure 8-8. M291 Skin Decontaminating Kit.
A 0.5 percent chlorine bleach solution can also be used to decontaminate cuts
and wounds if the kit is not available.
a. Obtain M291 Kit. Remove the M291 skin decontamination kit from your
mask carrier.
b. Decontaminate Your Hands.
(1) Remove one skin decontaminating packet from the carrying pouch.
Tear the packet open quickly at the notch. Although any notch may be used to open the
packet, opening at the TEAR LINE will place applicator pad in a position that is easier to
Remove the applicator pad from packet and discard the empty packet.
Unfold the applicator pad and slip your finger(s) into the handle.