The individual must admit that he is an alcoholic.
Members will not make pledges and their association is voluntary.
"Twenty-four Hour Plan," a requirement for keeping sober for the current twenty-four hours.
"The Twelve Suggested Steps," a progressive course toward the maintenance of sobriety.
The National Travelers Aid Society.
Travelers Aid assists individuals and families who for economic, social and psychological reasons have
problems related to travel. The Travelers Aid also works toward the improvement of the social
conditions which contribute to many of these problems.
a. The Travelers Aid provides case work service and specialized assistance to travelers and
newcomers. Resident families are also helped in certain difficulties involving separation
from family members, such as a runaway child or a member who has become ill or stranded.
Counseling and referral services are available to the traveler in difficulty and to the
newcomer who is not yet familiar with local resources.
b. This assistance includes providing transit lounges, planning recreation, locating housing
accommodations, solving travel problems, locating friends and relatives, and contacting other
community resources and social agencies.
c. Financial assistance is an integral part of the casework service. The client is advised of an
appropriate source for financial assistance, or he may receive assistance from the Society.
However, Travelers Aid does not duplicate public welfare activities.
Family Service Association of America
Family Service Association of America (FSAA) has approximately 300 agencies in over 250
cities with an annual budget of more than nineteen million dollars. It is supported by citizen
contributions, usually through the annual city-wide United Fund Campaign, and is governed by a board
of representative persons from the community. FSAA assists in many types of problems. Counseling is
offered on an ability-to-pay basis to highly salaried individuals as well as those from low income
groups. The following are some of the problems FSAA deals with: