Branches and sections may be established or discontinued upon application to the director by the
appropriate commander.
Either a commissioned or warrant officer may be appointed by the commander as AER officer.
The AER officer interviews applicants, makes the necessary investigation, furnishes advice, and renders
assistance in accordance with the basic regulation, AR 930-4. He makes regular and prompt loan
collections, preferably through Class E allotments.
Fund raising. The AER relies on voluntary contributions from members of the Army.
Emergency financial assistance may be granted by the AER to:
(1) Dependents and members of the Army on active duty. This includes caring for the
immediate needs of dependents of Army personnel who die while on active duty.
(2) Dependents and members of all components of the Army who are retired either by reason of
physical disability or after 20 or more years of active duty. This also includes caring for the
immediate needs of dependents upon the death of the serviceman.
(3) Dependents of Army personnel missing in action.
Generally, loans without interest are made, with repayment affected through Class E allotments
in small monthly installments. Grants are made if repayment would cause undue hardship; for example,
in case of a serviceman's death, dependents almost invariably receive a grant.
The typical cases in which emergency assistance is normally rendered:
(1) Non receipt of pay, allotment or allowance.
(2) Loss of pay or personal funds.
(3) Emergency medical, dental and hospital expenses.
(4) Funeral expenses not to exceed 0.
(5) Travel expenses for emergency leave; emergency transportation of dependents to include
expenses involved in meeting authorized port calls.
(6) Payment of initial rent or payment to prevent eviction.
(7) Privation of dependent not included in the above.
(8) Confidential cases where referral to other agencies might embarrass the individual or the
command, or reveal security information.