Another method, mentioned in frame 3A, for gaining attention is the use
of a rhetorical question. A rhetorical question is one that you intend
to answer yourself, or a question for which you are not really seeking
an answer.
When you ask this type question and a student voluntarily
answers, let him. You have accomplished the goal of gaining attention
and arousing interest.
If you begin a leadership class by asking a
rhetorical question such as, "What are the qualities that make a soldier
respect an officer as a leader?" and immediately several students raise
their hands, what should you do?
a. Ignore them and answer the question as you had intended.
b. Call on various students to answer.
c. Tell the students to put their hands down, you did not intend for
them to answer.
d. Tell the students that they will have ample opportunity to discuss
the answers during class.
46A. An excellent way of summarizing and emphasizing key points in the final
summary is to ask questions.
In other words, we give our students an
oral _______________________________________________.