Secondly, based on the students' responses to your questions, you can
determine how effective your instruction has been and thereby adjust the
level of your instruction.
A second reason for using questions is to enable you to determine the
__________________ of your instruction and to _______________ the level
of your instruction to meet class needs.
35A. In addition to exchanging information and solving problems, you could
use a small-group discussion to train students.
When using a small-
group discussion for the purpose of training, you would use one or more
case study to discuss and learn about the method by which a solution was
The emphasis is on learning the steps used in reaching the
solution, not on the solution itself.
Ask your students to tell how
they think they might have handled the situations portrayed in the case
studies. Your own responses, questions, and teaching points then would
evolve around the student's reactions to the case studies, the kinds of
in the solution.
Why might you conduct a small-group discussion using
case studies?