17. During the creating phase of the discussion, you should remember to-
A. Present all the facts yourself in a clear, logical manner.
B. Make sure all the facts are clearly presented.
C. Have the members present one fact or idea at a time.
D. Make sure all the facts are carefully evaluated as they are
18. During the course of the discussion, you should make sure your group
can visually track their thinking. To accomplish this, you--
A. Summarize frequently during the discussion.
B. Ask questions frequently during the discussion.
C. Introduce case studies at appropriate times.
D. Have a recorder list important points on a chalkboard.
19. You can help the group evaluate the facts and ideas by-
A. Asking penetrating questions that will cause the group to think.
B. Having the recorder read the important points brought out in the
C. Condensing ideas and having the group weigh the proposed action
against the objective.
D. Summarizing frequently throughout the discussion.
20. At the end of a group discussion on What Can Be Done to Improve
Morale in Our Battalion, several members feel frustrated because
they believe the question posed by the discussion topic was not
This frustration is most likely attributed to the fact
that in your summary of the discussion you failed to--
A. Recapitulate agreements or conclusions.
B. Indicate action to be taken.
C. Make follow-up assignments.
D. Close on time.