12. As a secondary cell discharges, the chemical action causes the materials to be
_______________________ from one of the __________________________ to the
13. By forcing a current through a secondary cell in the opposite direction to that of
the cell can be __________________________ ,
14. Recharging a secondary cell causes the ____________________________________
____________________________ to change back to the original materials. A
cell is recharged by forcing a ______________________________ through the cell in
_________________________________ direction to that of discharge.
15. Select, from the statements below, the characteristics of primary and secondary cells.
Write "primary" in the space beside the characteristics of a primary cell, and "secondary"
in the space beside the characteristics of a secondary cell.
__________________________________________ a.
Recharged by forcing a current
through it in a direction that is
opposite to that of discharge.
__________________________________________ b.
Chemical action usually erodes the
negative electrode.
__________________________________________ c.
Materials are transferred from one
electrode to the other during
__________________________________________ d.
Electrolyte may be a moist paste.
__________________________________________ e.
Restored by replacing the eroded
electrodes and the electrolyte.