(c) Sequence of count Figure 1-2 shows the sequence of a count to the first breakpoint in
several number systems. Some of these numbering systems, such as the binary and octal systems, are
commonly used in computer systems; hence, they are discussed in detail in this subcourse. The first
breakpoint occurs at 10 in all the number systems shown, but the value of 10 is entirely ambiguous unless
the radix is designated. This is clarified by using the radix as a subscript number. For example 10 10 must
be read as one zero, not ten. In all computer work, the agreed-upon practice is to write and read all
subscripts in the decimal system. This prevents confusion, for if the radix subscripts were written in the
same system as the number itself, all subscripts would be 10. For example, a radix value of 2 written in
the binary system is 10, a radix value of 8 written in the octal system is 10, and so on.
Figure 1-2
Sequence of a Count to the First Breakpoint
2. The Binary System.