The atomic structure of a material is the least important of the four
(From P1-8A) factors that determine the resistance of a material.
Shucks. You picked the wrong answer. We said that of the four factors that determine the resistance of a
material, the atomic structure is the most important one. The atomic structure determines the number of free or
valence electrons a material has. Materials which have one, two, or three valence electrons, and can easily give
them up or accept more, offer small resistance to current flow and, therefore, make good conductors. Go back to
Page 1-8A and choose another answer.
Resistance is a measure of the amount of current flow in a material.
Slow down. You are going too fast and not reading the material. If you read the answer you picked
carefully, you will find that it says "resistance is a measure of the amount of current flow" and you and I both
know that isn't so. An ampere is the unit of measurement for current flow. Go back to Page 1-6B and try again.