The four factors determining the resistance of a conductor are the type of
(From P1-12B)
material used, temperature, length, and the cross-sectional area.
Quite true BUT what about the other three statements? Aren't they also correct? Isn't the definition for
specific resistance correct and the five items affecting the choice of a conductor correct? Go back to Page 1-12B
and read them again.
The specific resistance of a material is the resistance of that material at
(From P1-21A)
30 degrees centigrade.
No, no, a hundred times NO. You don't even have the right temperature; also, there isn't any particular
amount of material stated. This answer implies that a piece of copper wire one foot long and one inch in diameter
would have the same resistance as a piece of copper wire ten feet long and two inches in diameter, and we both
know that this isn't true. Specific resistance is the resistance of a particular amount of a material at a temperature
of 20 degrees centigrade. Now go back to Page 1-21A and choose the correct answer.