IPB is based on assigned contingency missions. It is initiated long before
hostilities begin. It is continuous; it is never completed.
IPB is a systematic approach to analyzing the enemy, weather and terrain in a
specific geographic area. It integrates enemy doctrine with the weather and
terrain as they relate to the mission and the specific battlefield environment.
This helps the commander evaluate enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable
courses of action.
Intelligence is best communicated through the use of graphics. Annotated military
maps, multi-layered overlays, gridded photographs, microfilm and large-scale map
substitutes, all capable of computer-assisted cathode ray display, are products of
IPB. The analysis of the battlefield area and the intelligence estimate are not
replaced, but are converted to graphics when possible. The IPB process results in
a graphic intelligence estimate. These graphics become the basis for intelligence
update, rather than rewriting volumes of material.
To provide a basis for collection coordination, IPB is done before battle. Through
IPB, gaps in the intelligence data base become apparent. These gaps become
priority intelligence requirements (PIR) or information requirements (IR) and,
where possible, are satisfied before the first shot is fired. IPB also provides a
guide for the use of collection, reconnaissance, and surveillance resources.
Graphic data bases provide a basis for situation development including target
development. They provide a means for predicting enemy activities and his
intentions. By comparing them with previous enemy activities, the commander is
provided with timely, complete, and accurate intelligence.
well as other elements of the command. IPB is a formal process at division and
higher echelons. At brigade and battalion, the IPB process is more informal and is
an expansion of support provided by higher command levels in order to provide the
commander with the detailed support necessary for his echelon of operations. Each
level of command provides IPB support and products for its subordinate elements.
Subordinate commanders should expand on the provided support based on their
specific mission.
IT 0462