The event and decision support templates represent a reduction of all analysis and
template construction tasks that have preceded them. Information gathered from
these templates are incorporated into the analysis of the battlefield area and
The decision support template relates events, activities and targets to the
commander's decision requirements. The commander, G2, FSO, and G3 develop the
decision support template by overlaying the event template and making DPs for
friendly courses of action. The DPs are placed on the template at those points
where the commander must decide what course of action to employ to have the desired
effect on the enemy, and thus the decision support template also depicts a portion
of the operations plan.
DPs shown on a decision support template (Figure 6-12) represent areas chosen based
on time/distance factors from TAI. If a decision is not made by the commander
before an enemy force reaches or passes a DP, a set of options which had existed
may be lost.
IT 0462