(3) Transshipment. The specific pattern of a transshipment activity depends on
the site and conditions involved.
(a) A water site (Figure 2-16) has specialized piers or evidence of an
underwater pipeline to offshore dolphins. Storage tanks are usually visible close to the
shore area.
(b) A rail site (Figure 2-17) has specialized piers or evidence of an
underwater pipeline to offshore dolphins. Storage tanks are usually visible close to the
shore area. A rail site has many rail spurs, loading racks, pumping stations, and storage
tanks. Tank cars are often present.
(c) Motorized transshipment sites (Figure 2-18) are often associated with
rail sites. A well-developed road net, hardstands, tank trucks, loading racks, storage
tanks, and pipelines may also be present.
NOTE: POL products, particularly gasoline are usually inflammable and therefore subject
to precautionary measures in storage as ammunition is.
NOTE: The marked difference between POL and ammunition is in the shipping containers.
The IA should be aware POL products used in a field environment are usually in
liquid form and, as a result, are transported and stored in bulk on POL trucks, in
55- gallon drums, or in 5-gallon cans.