Pipe furnace
Two, four, or six short reactor/regenerators grouped together in pairs and
interconnected by overhead piping
Fractionating column
A control building may be present.
Figure 2-38. Fixed Bed Catalytic Cracking Unit.
Moving bed catalytic cracker (also known as the thermofor catalytic
cracking unit) operates in principle like the fixed bed separate units.
catalyst is transported between the reactor and regenerator via a bucket conveyor
The carbon deposits are burned off the catalyst pellets in the
(Figure 2-39) include:
Unusually tall, steel-frame superstructure
Catalyst hopper (a small tank) visibly perched atop superstructure
Low, rectangular regenerator kiln at base of superstructure
Reactor tank, enclosed and obscured by the superstructure
Regenerator kiln is a flat-roofed, rectangular building at the base of the
cracking unit
Pipe furnace
Fractionator adjacent to the superstructure.
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