a safe and timely resolution of the incident. Throughout the aftermath of a nuclear accident/incident, Cl
activities will be closely coordinated with the other agencies involved.
Sabotage. If sabotage is indicated in a nuclear accident/incident, then investigative jurisdiction falls to Cl. The
details concerning the conduct of a sabotage investigation are beyond the scope of this lesson; however, during
the conduct of a sabotage investigation concerning nuclear weapons and materials, close coordination must be
maintained with the various other agencies who will be conducting concurrent investigations. For further
information on sabotage investigation refer to Subcourse IT 0735.
Movement. During movement of special weapons, Cl has many responsibilities. The foremost of these is to
provide clear and concise threat estimates to the unit commander to ensure that adequate OPSEC measures can
be addressed in the OPLAN for the movement. Obviously, Cl personnel should make themselves available to
provide assistance with OPSEC planning for the movement. AR 50-5 requires that there be formal written
procedures for close control of all information on planned and actual movements of nuclear weapons off
military reservations. Local policies and command guidelines will dictate the format for these written
procedures. Specifically, times, flight plans, routes and destinations will be handled on a strict "need to know"
basis and will be appropriately classified. TB 9-1100-811-40 provides classification guidance. In accordance
with doctrine governing the movement of special weapons, Cl personnel will not be involved in the actual
movement, but will provide advice and assistance on Cl related topics to commanders and security staffs of the
units involved.