(3) Assemble the five upper mast
previously assembled lower mast section.
(4) Slide a red guy plate onto the male end of the upper adapter
assembly. Attach to assembled mast.
(5) Turn the guy plates so that one hole of each is uppermost.
(6) Attach the blue guy hooks of the four lower guy ropes to the
holes in the lower guy plate (blue).
(7) Extend the guy ropes to the anchor assemblies (on the guy stakes)
and attach the free end guy loop of the guy snubber to the anchor hooks (Fig
When attached this way, each guy rope can be pulled taut by
lengthening the guy loop.
Figure 26. Guy attachment to guy anchor.
(8) Attach the upper guy ropes (red) to the upper guy plate (red) and
to the anchor assemblies.
(9) Pull the four side guy ropes (two upper and two lower) taut, and
secure them (Fig 27 (A)).
Remove guy from snubber lock (Fig 27 (B)).
Pull snubber along guy toward the mast (Fig 27 (C)).
Secure guy by looping under the snubber lock (Fig 27 (A)).