LESSON DESCRIPTION: In this lesson you will learn the procedure to develop a
near-term plan. Finally, you will learn how to determine resources needed
to support the near-term plan.
ACTION: Describe the procedures to develop a near-term plan.
CONDITION: You are an officer or an NCO in a company or battalion-sized unit
and you are given a description of the near-term planning process as
outlined in FM 25-101, Battle Focused Training.
STANDARD: Describe the procedure to develop a near-term plan in accordance
with FM 25-101, Battle Focused Training.
REFERENCES: The material contained in this lesson was derived from the
following publications: FM 25-100, Training The Force, and FM 25-101 Battle
Focused Training.
Near-term planning is primarily conducted at battalion and subordinate
command levels.
It is conducted to:
o Schedule and execute training objectives specified in the short-
range training plan to the Army standard.
o Make final coordination for the allocation of resources to be used
in training.
o Provide specific guidance to trainers.
o Complete final coordination with other units that will participate
in training as part of the combined arms or services slice.
o Prepare detailed training schedules.
Near-term planning covers a six to eight week period prior to the
conduct of training for AC units, and a four-month period prior to training
for RC units.
Formal near-term planning culminates when a unit publishes
its training schedule.