At an appropriate place in the music, the drum major signals CUT OFF. The drum major then
commands SOUND OFF, and conducts the mace signal to play the sound off chords again. After
the sound off chords are played, the drum major then signals a CUT OFF and INSTRUMENTS
The drum major and the band commander then CHANGE POSTS.
NOTE: Sound off may be eliminated when ceremonies are indoors, during inclement weather, or when space
is limited.
Retreat. Retreat may be included at this time; if so, the following occurs.
When retreat is included, the band remains at the position of attention after presentation and honors
or sound off if included. The commander of troops directs "SOUND RETREAT". The band
commander signals INSTRUMENTS UP for the trumpets. When the commander of troops and his
staff are at parade rest, the band commander begins conducting Retreat.
Immediately upon completion of Retreat, the commander of troops directs "BRING YOUR UNITS
TO ATTENTION AND PRESENT ARMS'. When the unit commander at the immediate left of the
band commands "PRESENT, ARMS", the drum major salutes.
When the commander of troops and his staff salute, the band commander begins conducting To the
At the conclusion of music, the band commander FACES ABOUT, and SALUTES. Instruments
remain in the playing position.
The commander of troops directs "BRING YOUR UNITS TO ORDER ARMS AND PARADE
REST". When the unit commander at the immediate left of the band commands "ORDER, ARMS",
the band commander and drum major TERMINATE THEIR SALUTES. Bandmembers execute
INSTRUMENTS DOWN in cadence on the command "ORDER, ARMS". The band remains at the
position of attention in preparation for the inspection sequence.
When inspection is included, the band remains at the position of attention after the completion of the
presentation and honors or retreat if included.
The reviewing officer and the host commander (when present) join the commander of troops to
inspect the command.
As the reviewing official approaches the commander of troops, the band commander signals
INSTRUMENTS UP. When the commander of troops salutes the reviewing officer, the band
commander begins CONDUCTING appropriate inspection music.
The commander of troops may guide the reviewing party to the right flank of the band.
Before the reviewing party passes in front of the band, the band commander STOPS
CONDUCTING and FACES ABOUT (the band continues to play). The band commander and drum
major do EYES RIGHT and SALUTE.
As the reviewing party comes into their line of sight, the band commander and drum major follow
the party with their head and eyes. The band commander and drum major turn their heads until the
reviewing party passes to their front. At this point, their head and eyes remain fixed.