When the last element of troops does ready, front, the drum major signals a CUT OFF. Instruments
remain in the playing position while the drum section plays and eight bar cadence.
On the first downbeat following the eight bar cadence, the band begins to play (in place) the official
version of The Army Goes Rolling Along, beginning at the introduction.
NOTE: Bands may play representative music of the command before playing The Army Goes Rolling Along.
On the second time through letter A, the drum major signals FORWARD, MARCH. The signal of
execution occurs so that the band steps off on the downbeat of the second time through letter A. The
drum major then signals LEFT, TURN. The band continues to play through the end of the chorus.
NOTE: Band commanders will modify this arrangement to provide a cadential ending by prolonging the
tonic chord on the downbeat of the second measure before letter D for three full beats.
At the conclusion of The Army Goes Rolling Along, the drum major signals a CUT OFF and
concludes the ceremony with the percussion playing a drum cadence and then a rim tap.
The commander of troops and the reviewing officer face each other and exchange salutes, officially
concluding the ceremony.
For mounted reviews, the band is formed dismounted and stands 25 yards to the left and five yards
to the rear of the reviewing officer. All troops and vehicles form and take position on line before Adjutant's
When the adjutant has determined that all units are on line, he will command or signal the band
commander to "SOUND ADJUTANT'S CALL", which is the signal that the review has officially
begun. The band sounds Adjutant's Call.
NOTE: The band does not play a march after sounding Adjutant's Call.
Presentation and honors proceeds as outlined for a dismounted review.
NOTE: The rendition of music by the band for sound off, personal honors, retreat, decorations and awards,
and pass in review follows the same procedure as outlined for a dismounted review.
When the inspection is made by motor vehicle, the band commander begins conducting the band as
the reviewing party departs the post of the commander of troops. The band commander continues
conducting until the reviewing officer has returned to his post.
The band commander and drum major will execute EYES RIGHT and SALUTE as in a dismounted
review before the reviewing party passes in front of the band.
The review then proceeds as outlined for a dismounted review.
A special review is a review conducted by composite or representative units. This ceremony
replaces a standard review when a larger formation is not practical or the field is too small to allow full
movement. The fact that the size of the formation is reduced does not eliminate any of the components or
change the sequence. It is essentially the same as a battalion or larger review, with some exceptions.
The troops are formed on the final line.
Attention and Adjutant's Call are not sounded.