NCO Primary Leadership Subjects
Using Capitals, Continued
Capitalize titles following the
General Herbert Gray, Chief of Staff Third
name if they form part of an
United States Army (but General Gray, the
address line.
Third Army chief of staff)
John Doe, Military Assistant, Office of the
Under Secretary of the Army (but John
Doe, military assistant)
Capitalize the important words
Capitalize the first and last word in each line
in headings and titles.
and all other words except:
Articles (a, an, the).
Example: The 101st Airborne at
Normandy, by Mark A. Bando.
Short conjunctions (and, but, or, nor).
Example: Light Forces and the Future of
the US Military Strategy, by Michael J
Short prepositions (at, by, for in, of, on, to,
Example: US Army Uniforms of the Cold
War, by Shelby Stanton.
Exception: The infinitive "to" is always
capitalized in a title as in "Hints To Help
Capitalize common nouns used
the (English) Channel
as proper nouns.
the Civil War
Capitalize the titles of official
Department of the Army Pamphlet 360-
publications when used to refer
507, 10 Nov 69
to individual documents.
DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data)
Continued on next page