NCO Primary Leadership Subjects
Lesson 1 Summary
In completing this lesson, you reviewed the rules for correct spelling, abbreviation,
and capitalization.
Using the following guidelines to improve spelling:
Proofread the product.
Use the dictionary.
Learn to spell words by syllables.
Keep a list of spelling errors.
Form a mental picture of the word and spell it out.
Watch for irregular spelling patterns.
Learn lists of military and civilian words that are frequently misspelled.
Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings and are spelled
differently. The following words are examples of homonyms that are frequently
Accept and except.
Their, there, and they're.
Its and it's.
Prefixes are added to the beginning of a root word, while suffixes are added to the
Prefixes and
suffixes end of a root word.
Continued on next page