NCO Primary Leadership Subjects
Lesson 4, Section I, Practice Exercise Answer Key and Feedback
C. Use old materials if dated on or near the date of a reported action. They may be
Item 1
very reliable. (Page 4-7)
B. After defining the problem, the next step in research is to list the issues essential
Item 2
to solving the problem. (Page 4-4)
D. A suggested source to use when researching a recurring problem is unit histories.
Item 3
(Page 4-5)
D. The purpose of a bibliography is to provide a list of helpful sources of
Item 4
information, provide a cross-reference between source materials and notes, and help
identify a reference document used as a source. (Pages 4-5, 4-7, and 4-8)
Handle an author's words in your notes by condensing the author's thoughts and
Item 5
translating them into your own words. Identify sections to be quoted with brief
descriptions of what they say. (Page 4-10)