NCO Primary Leadership Subjects
A Practical Approach to Writing
Expository writing is a practical means of communicating ideas quickly and clearly.
But don't lose sight of the creative side of writing. Remember that writing is a
creative act and an art to be cultivated.
It's up to you to choose the pattern of exposition best suited for your writing
Common sense
assignment and what you are trying to convey. Take a common sense approach to
the task and plan your writing strategy accordingly.
Rhetoric is the ability to use language skillfully. You can improve your rhetorical
skills by using the appropriate means of expression for a given situation. Seek to
balance form with content and rules with intellectual curiosity.
Rules, grammar, and a study of rhetorical approaches to writing will not, by
Rules alone
themselves, create a "good" writer. It takes a broad combination of everyday
do not a good
experience, interest, experimentation with new ideas, imagination, and continual
writer make
effort to make a topic clear and understandable. Together, these factors will help
you gain the proficiency to become an effective writer.